Kubernetes Application Management

“Kubernetes Application Management” is an advanced course on application management in Kubernetes. The course covers the use of Pods Patterns, Restart Policies, Init Containers and Lifecycle Hooks to manage the lifecycle of applications. We will also discuss Authorization (RBAC) for access management, API Server for resource management, and application traffic management through Portforward and Proxy. The course will also cover updating Deployment and DaemonSet, Jobs and Cronjobs, and using EmptyDir and Dynamic Storage Provisioning.

We will also discuss ConfigMaps and Secrets for managing application configuration and security, implementing Ingress Rules and BlueGreen deployment for managing application traffic, and using Ephemeral Containers for managing ephemeral containers. Finally, the course will end with a hands-on trainer demonstration of using Kustomize for application configuration management in Kubernetes.

Requires, as prerequisites, to have completed DSK101 and DSK102 courses (or have equivalent knowledge)


Category : Kubernetes